
Promote good governance by positively impacting, shaping, or reshaping African Christian/community leaders and potential leaders both directly and indirectly.

Corruption and bad governance are some of the most cited human related problems faced by African countries today, and directly tied to the backdrop of challenges highlighted above. 

"Good governance is the solution to Africa’s problems" - Prof. Eddy Maloka

"Cameroon is Africa in miniature" - The slogan of  Cameroon's Ministry of Tourism and Leisure.

Cameroon, the natural home of CIMEA, is a bilingual country made up of 10 Regions: eight francophone (French-speaking) regions and two anglophone (English-speaking) regions. Situated right in the middle of the West and the East  of Africa, and at the same time in the middle of the North and the  South of Africa,  Cameroon, in reality, exhibits a mix of cultural, geographic and demographic characteristics that justify the slogan, "Africa in Miniature", which is further corroborated by  statistics on the religions of the people of Cameroon.

Africa is extremely rich, yet extremely poor; extremely religious, yet extremely corrupt; a true continent of paradox.


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